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Showing posts from August, 2013

The Israeli Dervish Finds Home In Mystical World Of Rumi

The Israeli Dervish Finds Home In Mystical World Of Rumi Read and watch below the incredible spiritual journey of the only Israeli granted access to the inner sanctum of Rumi's Whirling Dervish Sufi Order in Maulana's adopted hometown and resting place, Konya, Turkey...  Miki Cohen is a 58-year-old college teacher who has 'discovered' the works of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a 13th-century Muslim poet and Sufi mystic. Attracted by Rumi's writings and philosophy, Miki translates his works into Hebrew and practices whirling in worship. What makes Cohen's story so remarkable is that he is an Israeli. The son of holocaust survivors and a veteran of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Cohen found himself searching for answers to his spiritual identity. "I was in the Israeli army in the '73 war. And the war mentality, the killing mentality, the feeling that we are on one side victims and on the other side we are the oppressors. So, what are we? So I started, you know, looking...

Rumi & Self Psychology

"Rumi was a 13th century poet whose poems have captivated many from all around the world. Rumi�s poems seem to be a combination of what a scientist, scholar, lover, self-seeker, Sufi, Hindu, Jew, and Christian, among many others, are trying to communicate and are searching for. This can be seen in his writing: "Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged." Rumi, because of his life�s circumstances, traveled a great deal, having the opportunity to become familiar with various cultures and religions. He was a scholar, and familiarized himself with different aspects of science of his time. These could have been factors that contributed to Rumi�s ability to identify with different groups and cultures which helped with the process of understanding differences and an expansion of mind, resulting in observation and learning rather than judgment. As a result, he might h...

In the Fire of Grace, Dancing Rumi's Journey of the Soul (A Short Film)

In the Fire of Grace - Dancing Rumi's Journey of the Soul  Director :   Andrew Harvey    Producer :   Banafsheh Sayyad Courtesy of:   Culture Unplugged Duration:   51 Minutes In the Fire of Grace, Dancing Rumi's Journey of the Soul  Director : Andrew Harvey | Producer : Banafsheh Sayyad Courtesy of:   Culture Unplugged  | Duration: 51 Minutes Synopsis: "Banafsheh Sayyad, �as an embodied mystic of the divine feminine, her presentations are not performances but transmissions which transform your vision of dance forever." In this film, Banafsheh interprets five stages of the soul's archetypal journey to union with the Beloved, in movement that marries, as Rumi�s mystical vision, the serene peace with the fierce gorgeous passion of the divine. She is accompanied by Andrew Harvey as the voice of Rumi, summoning her deeper into the flames of death and rebirth.  Andrew Harvey is the renowned mystical scholar, Rumi translator, poet, sp...

The Whirling Ecstasy (by Rumi's Hagiographer, Aflaki)

'Jalaluddin Rumi was born at Balkh, Persia, in 1207, and died at Konya, Turkey, in 1273. He founded the order of Mevlevi or whirling dervishes, and his chief work is the Mathnawi, an epic poem which expresses their mystical path. It was translated into English by Reynold Nicholson (6 volumes, London, 1926). This booklet is a selection from 'The Lives of the Gnostics' by Aflaki, disciple of the poet's grandson, written between 1318 and 1335. It was translated into French by C. Huart under the title 'Les Saints des Derviches Tourneurs' (Paris 1918-22).' Read The Entire Booklet Below: The Whirling Ecstasy (by Aflaki)                | PDF| ENGLISH| 28 PAGES |

Tanha Tanha Ham Ro Len Gey (Urdu Poetry Card)

Tanha Tanha Ham Ro Len Gey   Poety: Nida Fazli By: ?IMRAN ? ALAM?